Saturday, March 16, 2013

Presidents Leadership Class-Growing Up

Will is trying to decide where he should go to college. He has applied to many schools and been accepted to many too. But he has narrowed it down to ACU or OCU. He has quite a bit of scholarship to both but he is leaning more towards OCU. Will was invited to interview for a Presidental Leadership Class which also includes a scholarship. So we flew to Oklahoma for Will and I see to the school and interview for the scholarship. We flew from Midland to Dallas and then on to Oklahoma City. We landed, got our luggage, rented a car and headed to the hotel. Not bad since this was the first time we had really done all of this without help! The next morning we headed to Oklahoma Christian Universtity to begin our visit. The school was great! My first meeting was financial aid. The more the man talked the more I began to panic. $$$$ and loans!! Don't cry! Don't cry! was my montra. Finally the meeting was over and it was time for chapel. The singing began and was beautiful. Unfortunately, all I could do was cry. Poor Will! I kept apologizing to him but I also kept crying. Finally I gained control and quit crying. The rest of the day was uneventful, lunch in the cafeteria, visiting the various buildings that are named after our friends, and meeting the president of the school. He is a GREAT guy! That night was their was a reception for all the candidates for the Presidents Leadership Class. I told Will he needed to mingle and mess with the minds of the other candidates. Most of them looked smart and into science and so I thought Will should tell them that he had heard they were looking for athletic kids who were interested in a good time. Will would not go for it. BUT a boy came up to us and started talking and he began playing mind games with Will. All I could do was laugh. The funniest part was when this guy introduced Will to the President as his good friend and the President said that he already knew Will. YEA for Will! We left the reception and we saw the Branches. He came and spoke to us and even introduced Will to the Director of Admissions. Afterwards we went to their Spring Sing. Will and I did not get to sit together but we texted the whole time making comments about the show. A few times I even laughed out loud! Saturday morning Will had to get dressed for his interview. Business casual was the attire. After much discussion, we decided that kahkis, white shirt, boots and tie were in order. We were going to go with a suit but because of his broken foot I didn't want to buy dress shoes. Will thought he knew how to tie his tie but it just wouldn't cooperate. After googling it, we finally got it to work and headed to the school. A mist was falling from the sky, but it didn't bother Will. He was ready to go in and knock the interview out of the park. I walked into the building with him but he wanted to walk by himself down the hall to the interview. As he walked away, all I could think of was that this was just like first grade when he walked to class by himself for the first time. The tears began to fall as I realized my little boy was a man and beginning a new road. Soon Will was back with me and he thought the interview was a success! It was with 8 different people,kind of like a round robin and he answered their questions,was articulate and funny. (I guess, I wasn't there!) But Will assures me he rocked it!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


High school football has started and I love it. Will is playing Varsity this year, and because one of the boys sprained his ankle and had a stomach virus, he got to start last night in the game and he played the WHOLE game! It was so fun to cheer him on, even though we lost. When the team ran out on the field my hear was soaring with happiness. Will looked so very cute, I mean tough, in his uniform and helmet! He played his heart out! When they would come off the field, each boy would encourage the other,and give them a seat on the "bench", which was really ice chests. I watched as he listened to the coach and looked at the dry erase board marked with the next plays trying to memorize what he was too do next. Will was watching intently, asking questions and soaking it all in. As Will would run on to the field, I could hear my friends, who love him dearly, yelling his name and cheering for him specifically. It makes a mama very, very proud. His sister, Bekah and her boyfriend, sat next to me cheering him on too. She would turn to me and tell me how fast he was running or how good he looked. We were both kind of choked up by how good he was playing. At one point, I thought I was going to burst with pride. My boy is a Varsity Football player in WEST TEXAS!! He is a "dough boy" on the O line! His dad, who played for TCu]U, and coached football for many years, was there to watch. I am sure he was proud too. We lost the game, but in my heart my son had won a great victory; he found a group of brothers. This makes a mother's heart so very happy!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Heavy Heart

My daughter just left for her junior year of college. My heart is very heavy and the tears continue to flow. I am so happy for her; she loves school, is very smart (on the deans list), is an athletic trainer, and has many wonderful friends. This summer was a summer of new experiences; working at a camp for rich girls, working at a camp for underpriveledged children, girls trip that included white water rafting and she began to date our new youth minister. I loved going to lunch, shopping, or just visiting with her. Many nights she sat with her fellow on my couch and visited. I enjoyed hearing their laughter and the low talking voices after I went to bed.She turned 21 years old yesterday, but I didn't spend it with her because she had to be in athletic training. Luckily her fellow went to Abliene to take her to dinner. He did bring her home so that she could get her new drivers license and her hair cut. But now she has gone to college and my couch is empty. Well, that is not true. Her little 16 year old brother still lives at home, but he is so busy with football and friends, and soon school, that he doesn't sit on my couch much. He and I will settle back into our routine of school, dinner and bed. We really enjoy being together and I love to hear his stories. This will fill my heart again with joy and then she will call and I will be so happy for her. But for now, my heart is heavy as I sit in my house, alone listening to the quiet.
Really, I guess it is times like this that I need more and more to rely on Jesus. To be still and know that He is God. Instead of turning on the tv or reading a mindless book, why not pick up my Bible and learn more about Him.. For years I have turned off my mind and now I need to turn it back on. I don't think I remember how to do that. Going about my business, teaching school, being a mother, running errands, that I can do; but to think and feel....that is hard. I am working on it. I want to. I need to. But it is definately hard. I think this year I will read my Bible more, be more focused on the specific children in my class and their needs and be on my knees in prayer. I want the Lord to be in control and not ME! I am so thankful that I serve a God who loves me even when my heart is heavy.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

One of those days

I've had one of those days; the other teacher's smart boards work-mine has no electricity, fight on the playground, student yelling at me-2 detentions-2 calls to parents-2 sets of excuses, a review for a test-one wrong answer-tears-hyperventilating-more tears-throwing up, hooty duty in library-no break, meet a mom after school at her car, to tell about upset wrong answer hyperventilating son, 2 emails to teachers trying to explain sons poor grades lately, home to meet the plumber-doesn't show up, daughter has overdrawn her checking account-2 times-call to tell her to transfer money, 2 parents call to explain sons fighting-one doesn't think punishment is fair and thinks I am too patient-try to explain my decisions and reassure them that they have good boys, dinner picked up at Rosas-come across students parents inside who ask me who in my class had pornography-no idea, cold dinner at home, pick up my son from baseball game hopefully before 10:00, finish homework....pass out? fall on my face in prayer? WOW! Hope tomorrow is not as eventful!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rosas Ice Tea

When I haven't seen a friend in a while or the girls just want to visit, I almost always say, "Let's get together for a tea." This means let's go to Rosas and get a large drink, tea or diet coke. I have spent many hours drinking tea, catching up on the latest news. crying, complaining, looking for guidance, giving/getting advice, laughing...laughing...and LAUGHING! Sometimes it is just my friend and me, and sometimes a group of girls but no matter who it is we enjoy drinking a tea at Rosas. Sometimes we even treat ourselves to a chips and queso or if we are feeling very daring a piece of carrot cake. But we don't need to eat, we just need to drink and visit. I am sure there are other places in town to do this, but we always end up at Rosas. It just feels right. A place to pour our hearts out and be together. Of course the fact that they have good ice, RO water tea and styrofoam cups really helps.

Shoulder news

Pshhhuuuu! W's shoulder is not really hurt but the doctor decided he needs to strengthen his back muscles and do more shoulder exercise not just his pecks and arms. He did miss some days of baseball so he doesn't get to start tomorrow in the one o'clock baseball game. Disappointment? Yes, especially since I can't be there. We have achievement tests and I can not miss. All I can do is pray for healing of his shoulder and his spirit. It is hard to have a son and a dad that is out of the picture. W is so smart and yet seems a little unmotivated. Dads are so good at motivating 15 year old boys. I just pray for complete healing and that someone will step up and help W with his pitching and throwing. He is really good at baseball but he hasn't proven it yet.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


My sons shoulder/arm has hurt off and on for about 3 years, especially during baseball season. He is a pitcher, catcher and first baseman. We had it looked at 3 years ago but they found nothing wrong. This is after an MRI and x-rays. It can't be right for an arm to hurt that long. If he is throwing wrong then can't a coach correct that or see it and fix it? The trainer said it had something to do with deceleration. Whatever that is. So I took the bull by the horns, called a friend of mine from OP Camp, who is an orthopedic surgeon, and he is going to look at it in the morning at 9:00. Yes, the next morning after I called. Not a week later. WOW! It really does help to have friends in high places. I can't decide what I hope they find....nothing wrong-just stretch, something is wrong and easy to fix, or....I just hope they find something. So, I will be praying tonight for the Lord to work and show us exactly what is wrong. And after we know, NO MORE COMPLAINING! (Unless it is me!)HA! I really just want my son to be able to play whatever sport he chooses and not to have pain...soreness, yes, pain, NO!